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BnB for Beginners
Welcome Video (0:31)
Module 1: Explaining STR Arbitrage
Let's Begin (4:01)
Housekeeping Rules (5:38)
Who Is This Course For? (1:58)
Traditional v Short-term Rental (9:34)
Rental Arbitrage (8:40)
NO, we don't AirBnB (4:15)
Return on Investment (12:23)
Your Mindset and Deciding the Type of Business You Want to Run (13:14)
Module 2: The Foundation
Structuring Your Company From A to Z (36:59)
Business Setup Checklist
Tips For Faster Approvals (6:04)
The Basics of Business Credit (12:39)
Monitoring Business Credit (2:53)
Vendor Account Lists
YOU MADE IT! (0:56)
Module 3: Acquiring Your First Property
Acquisition (0:36)
Brief Lecture (3:45)
Budgeting (26:59)
Market Research (2:00)
5 Keys to Success (25:23)
Rules & Regulations (10:00)
How to Research (44:41)
Touring Properties (4:20)
Application Process (16:22)
Secure the Lease (4:28)
End of Module 3 (2:23)
Module 4: Marketing Your BnB
Marketing Channels (19:15)
List Your Property on AirBnB (47:56)
Setup Your Direct Booking Website (9:12)
Social Media Advertisement (5:49)
Property Listing Tips (12:15)
Fiverr (23:19)
Module 5: Assemble Your Team
Opening Lecture (3:06)
Photographer (15:23)
Housekeeping Services (15:05)
Home Staging (8:28)
Property Management (8:05)
Concierge (10:25)
Streamline the Process (2:06)
Module 6: Preparing to Launch
Shopping List (4:48)
Pre-Booking Hacks (8:59)
Checklist (7:59)
Final Walkthrough (9:12)
Module 7: Running Your Business on Auto-Pilot
Property Management (21:02)
Automate Guest Experience Only (4:01)
Digital Guidebook (3:25)
Automate Your Cleaning (6:56)
24 Hour Concierge
How to Enhance Your Listings
BnB up&coming HOTSPOTS
Business Credit Talk feat. Business Credit Expert Calandra France
Behind the Scenes: Baltimore Harbor Property
Behind the Scenes: Airbnb App Host Backoffice plus Smartbnb App (43:52)
View Corporate Application
Tools of the Trade
Mistakes New Hosts Make
Re-optimize Your Listing quarterly
Listing Templates
24 Hour Concierge
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